Wednesday, November 7, 2012

What We are All About

Dare to Care, Inc. is a not for profit agency with 501c3, formed in Illinois that ministers to the impoverished and downtrodden in Nepal, half a world away. They currently have 8 ministries active in meeting tangible needs in a country recovering from a 12 year war between the communist rebels and the government that ended 2 years ago when the Maoists were elected into power with a 23% majority. Thousands are hurting in the aftermath and Dare to Care is seeking to support and encourage orphans, widows and single moms to get a hand up, not just a hand out.
We do this with an orphanage (21 kids, some rescued from the streets) in Kathmandu, 2 women’s ministries where women are taught income generating skills and offered microloans to begin their own cottage industry enterprises. Knitting, crocheting, beading and baking are some of the skills producing positive results for our widows and single moms.
We also have a radio broadcast targeting illiterate women and families teaching them they are loved and valued for the first time in their lives. Praise God this is in their own dialect for the first time ever!
Another ministry project we have undertaken is assisting a Leprosy Colony in farming techniques. We have helped them hand dig a 100 foot deep irrigation well to improve their agricultural yields and build a church in their community. Animal husbandry and kitchen gardening are also being offered to them.
A Dal/Bhat (soup) kitchen quietly serves the homeless and impoverished, creating an immediate opportunity to share the Gospel with these hurting and poor.
Dawn Bove, is the founder and CEO of Dare to Care,inc. started in 2004. She regularly visits Nepal staying from 2-8 months each visit to personally supervise the projects and provide training and support for each of the ministries. God is doing GREAT things through your prayers and support for this important organization impacting thousands with the gospel and love of Jesus.
Please pray for the following:
1)         Millions Will hear of God’s love for them and make a decision to live for Christ through the aired broadcasts 3x week. It takes $300.00/ month to sustain this ministry.
2)         Pray for the funds to support the air time and technical production of the programs.  Pray for those creating the messages to be inspired by the Holy Spirit and able to creatively communicate God’s love through them.
3)         Pray for the women making their handicrafts to grasp the love of Christ and in turn share it with others. Two of these are paraplegic women with many needs. Also pray we will find suitable markets for their products.
4)         Pray for the Leprosy community. They feel ostracized and isolated and fearful of the future in their poverty.
5)         Pray for our administration staff as they try to make Godly decisions and wisely use the resources we have been entrusted with to make the biggest impact for His glory.
6)         Dawn’s next trip… aiming for April, 2011 and for the resources necessary to get there/take there.  She desires to raise full support to be able to go full time as a missionary to Nepal.
7)         The roof is on the new bakery and we are ready to install plumbing and buy an industrial oven! This will be the first “starbucks” and bakery in western Nepal. 

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