Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Safe in K-du!!!! Over 20 hours ago..

Safe in K-du!!!! Over 20 hours ago...

One of my Nepali "Kids", B…... met me at the airport as well as the vehicle from the Utse Hotel so I was instantly in good hands. I made the mistake of laying on top of the bed and covering with a comforter... un-showered and in my travel clothes for a "Nap" ....that was 4 pm yesterday this time... unhuh.... woke at 4 AM realizing I had missed dinner and was able to still go back to sleep for 4 more hours! So guess I was more crippled by jet lag than I thought! My flights all went smoothly for a change and other than having to wander the hallways of the bowels of the LAX airport for what felt like miles, I have little to report for travel adventures yet (although my toes will never be the same after the premature hike! Must be the shoes!). I feel rested now though!

It is a big holiday called Deshain here now so 80% of the shops are closed and I cannot buy what I need. So I may have to stay here in K-du a couple days longer than I had planned. Bummer... I am in a hurry to get out west and get going on the foundation of the building. But YO Nepal ho! It runs on its own time and it rarely matches up with my time!

I am off to see Y.., the manager of my beading ministry now. It is an all day affair as I have to take 3 different forms of local transportation and walk a fair bit through the narrow streets of Thamel, Kathmandu to catch the first micro bus. But I know my way and just gambling on the holiday schedules will be the tricky part. I will be placing a big order for more jewelry made by my ladies who work in the brick factories as their day jobs! They will be soooooo happy!
The yarn shop is closed today... I will have to check on the cheese shop and electronic shop fixing my water heater coil.

So off for a day of accomplishing whatever errands I can. I will update you when I have concrete plans for catching the "deluxe bus" west!

Keep those prayers coming please!

Dawn Didi

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