Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Rest and Elevation


I'm at the Utse Hotel in Kathmandu catching up on rest and elevating my bum knee... wrenched it at SeaTac so had a painful trip and humbling... had to ask for a wheelchair in all the airports! But now that I had a good night's rest and could elevate it a spell... it feels 70 % better already! Mom and Dad went with me to Putali Sardak, a Nepali church today... 3 hours of service! Too much for me!!!!
They leave here tomorrow on a flight to Dhangadi, and our long time friend, B…., will ensure they get picked up at the airport and either up the hill or to his house till transportation can be arranged. They return next week on the 12th in time for the wedding.

I invited the 3 P… chories (I call them my daughters) and P…... all college kids from Dadeldhura, to join us for lunch after church today... it was great to catch up with them. We spent several hours together mostly discussing and anticipating the up- coming wedding! They have convinced me I should wear a sari to this event so will have to go shopping!!!! What a hardship that will be eh?!

They have 12-14 hours daily of "load shedding" here in k-du these days (power outages!) and fuel shortages and prices going thru the roof, so Nepal is going thru hard times right now. It affects everything!

Well I'm going to turn in now. I am cold! The hotel provided us each with a hot water bottle now at bedtime. It is really cold here at night. Though the day was sunny and sweater weather pleasant. Good thing they have big heavy sirdicks (comforters) on these beds! but it makes it hard to turn over under the covers cause they weigh you down so much... The price you pay for warmth!

Taking nothing for granted!
All for now!

Dawn Didi

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