Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Land Donation


Met with the widow that is donating her land for the new facility... she has agreed to allow not just the new paraplegic facility but the training center and guesthouse expansions as well! PTL so we can go full throttle with our vision! We have funds for what we think level one will cost and can now raise consciousness and funds for levels 2 and 3. The engineer we have been waiting weeks for was to have arrived last night. Pray I can get an early appointment with him to draw up architectural plans and initiate construction. I am eager to get going on development of this project! So much to be done in the 2 months I have here! The 2 paraplegic women are excited and hopeful for their new home and are knitting up a storm for me already!

T…. D… and I went yesterday to the home of the paraplegic man from our church. I have a new appreciation for his wife who pushes him up a steep slope everyday from their wee home up to the dirt road in his wheelchair. We were assessing what it would take to get his bed altered so he can use the waterbed mattress I brought for him a year ago. They haven't been able to conceive of how to use it has been folded up in a tin box so the rats can't eat it all this time! So he, the patient, has developed decubitus (Pressure sores) on his backside. I have given them a bottle of colloidal silver gel to apply meanwhile but we need $75 in funds for plywood/ planks etc and an able bodied skillful person with woodworking skills and a skill saw ... and initiative and adaptive skills to get this done... did I mention we need skill?(obviously this is out of my personal skill set!)
Thanks for your prayers!

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