Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Internet Dependency


It has been a royal pain!!!! No internet for over 10 days! Funny how dependent we have become on it! So, a quick note to let you all know, Susan and I are fine and our adventures here in Dadeldhura are just about at an end! It has all gone too quickly! But we have had great fun... I'll have to expound on that from Kathmandu when we have more time on the internet.

UMMMMMM apparently no one paid my internet while I was they said they would... so mine has been disconnected. Apparently the hospital hasn't paid their bill for guest house service either... They were our source of connection to the world and for the last 10 days no one there has had service. Funny... learned last night none of the staff at the hospital have been paid for the last 2 months!!!! The administration sent a small group of honchos who whisked in late one night, left the next morning for Bhajanj to show the engineers in the group the construction strategies of work up there, returned here to this hospital at 8 pm 3 days later and left at the crack of dawn the next AM without saying a peep to anyone here! Funny way to run a hospital. There is NO ONE that appears in charge! Even Pritvi KC went to Kathmandu a week ago and promised to return with my last suitcase (the one that wouldn't fit in the personal car with luggage!) Hummm...he was to be gone 3 days but is still MIA! Yup and no suitcase sent on ahead either! Oh well! Yo Nepal ho! Yo Naya Nepal ho!

We finally found Meike, a lovely German gal here with YWAM who does pay her bills and is willing to share her service! She graciously is letting 4 of us bideshies (foreigners) sit out on her front lawn in the sun and use her connection! It is a regular cyber picnic!

This is our last week here!

In about an hour we will be meeting with the programmer of our Radio ministry and getting his feedback and paying him his "salary" and trying to pay forward for the next 4 months so the radio programming can continue.

Tonight we will have dinner with the P…. (Our landlords and the Bakery owners) and P…. and P…. with YWAM who are winding up their ministry to go back to the States for 20 months with a few stops in Asia on the way. P…. has arranged a vehicle for us for Thursday when we leave. Ashley and Peter from England will accompany Susan and me to Bhardia where we will all spend at least one day and night (Peter and Ashley- 2) and hope to ride an elephant and perhaps see tigers and rhinos. Susan and I will leave the next afternoon to double back to Sheshia and visit the Leprosy colony and then back to B….'s house to spend the night and are booking a flight on Buddha Air to Kathmandu the next afternoon.

Our plan is to visit the burning pyres and Bhodnath temple that evening and shop till we drop in Thamel for final gifts and artifacts. The next AM she wants to do the early AM Everest fly by while I go do a few errands. And on the 21st we will be heading home!

So how will we spend our last 5 days here? The plan is to go to the village tomorrow (Dumara) for the day and have lunch with S…. and S….. (He is a new follower but a very old friend for which we are rejoicing... getting bolder in sharing his new faith... pray for him!)

We have to get to the bazaar by 5 pm to pick up Susan's new Nepali outfit! The remaining 4 days we have been booked to the max for lunches and dinners out with various local friends so our social calendar is "full up".

The paraplegics have calluses from knitting so fast and furiously and they are finishing a multitude of projects.

We will meet again with the widow, S… that has donated the land for the new facility, and see if she can agree to the new contract we drew up. She is secure about donating her land for the use of the paraplegics but still has personal reservations about allowing Dare to Care to build other levels beyond that. So Pray for His will to be done on that score. She fears how it would affect her if the hospital went belly up and she is tied into a contract where she had to rent it to us (for a pittance because we are building the building which will eventually be exclusively hers) and couldn't sell her property if she or her children needed to.

We are still praying for an opportunity to have a meeting with the engineer, R…., that is reportedly very interested in helping with the new facility and has a heart for the para girls. He was with the administrative group that was earlier so elusive and is due back this week... in time for us to meet with him? Pray so please!

Well time to move along here! Hope this catches you well and with a grateful heart!
Please keep us and all these concerns before the throne of grace!

Glad you have our backs!

Dawn Didi and Susan Didi

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