Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Save the date

Save the Date! I am having a Grand Mother's Day sale... A Purchase with a Purpose! Since every one has a Mother consider making your Mother happy with a dual purpose benefit for your $!
Bring a friend for a free gift. Bring your mother for another free gift in one of our new jewelry designs!

Please consider printing these flyers out and passing them out to all your friends and acquaintances this week and even putting one up in a highly visible space to invite your community to attend!
Thanks for all your support and prayers!
Dare to Care
Dawn Didi

PS are you on our Dare to Care FB contacts?" Like us" there!
If you are not in the Seattle area please pray us up and feel free to place a phone or email order any time. Orders placed prior to May 4th should arrive on time to honor your mom by the official day.
If you missed emails while I was in Nepal January through March and would like updates let me know. 

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