Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Update and Pray Request:)

As last you heard I had to leave Nepal with the building project unfinished, but close to being completed. I have just heard that nothing has been done on the septic since I left because the monsoons have caused excessive flooding and the hole has filled up with water, prohibiting any further progress. We did get an estimate from the contractor on what it would take to line the tank with rock 18 inches thick to be capable of supporting a cement slab on top so a  vehicle could be parked on top... the figure is twice what we had projected. 
Bottom line we need $3000 to pay for the lining and the expenses we incurred on dozing and excavating the septic twice! 
Also the windows and door people came but installed them backwards and my helper had gone to Kathmandu when they came so we will now have to get them back up from Dhangadi and have them re-do them! You can see why I wanted to stay and see things through to the end!... soooo frustrating
I was praying things were progressing and  the girls could be transferred into their new home even this week but that is clearly not happening now.. Please keep praying with me for completion and a smooth transfer and transition.
We could really use your prayers for the following;
Pray that with the monsoon rains in full force the banks of the mountain we have built on, will hold and remain in place and that the retaining wall will do its intended function and retain the dirt and keep it in place! Pray the tin shack perched above our site will continue to hang on to the side of the mountain and there will be no injuries, damages or casualties as the family therein refuses to move to safer ground!
Pray the septic will be able to be completed soon. We dozed and dug the hole only to have the monsoons break that night and wash most of the mud back in the hole. So we get to do it all again! The day I left the dozer was due to come again and this time with a tipper ( dump truck ) to haul it all away! That is all on hold with the hole filled with water! So having to repeat all this literally sunk us another $3000 in the hole! I am trying to raise that now so I can wire the funds to them the end of July! PTL $450 came in this weekend for this urgent need!
Pray too for the 48 prisoners at the jail that we were visiting weekly. There are 43 men and 5 women and one 5 yr old boy born in the prison. 5 of these (2 women and 3 men) have accepted Jesus and need fellowship and teaching and encouragement. The others still need Jesus and the healing and forgiveness only He can give. 
Pray the 6 -8 folks that went with me each week will maintain their connections with the" jailbirds" and keep visiting and encouraging. I personally never ever thought I would be involved in Prison ministries but God has surprised me with how much I enjoyed meeting these folks and teaching them to crochet and singing local songs to them and even dancing Nepali dances with them. They weekly confirmed that our visits were the highlights of their week and how they felt our love and kindness. The cookies possibly accounted for some of this sentiment!
Pray for the radio ministry geared to illiterate and lonely women telling them they matter to God and HE loves them!, will continue. We are behind in our payments to the FM station as all our resources had to be directed for the paraplegic facility. This takes $200 per month and we are 7 months behind. We still have 3 slots per week of 15 min each to broadcast. 
Pray especially for those creating the radio programming and who are responsible for the technical aspects of this vital ministry and that the LOVE will shine through.
Pray for 2 really bright students to be able to further their studies. One girl, would love to come to the US or anywhere she could attend Chiropractic School as there is nothing in Nepal for this and it interests her. If not, she is considering Physical Therapy for a major, and would have to go to India for the training. She is one sharp cookie and would attend medical school if she thought she could afford it.
The other is Chet, who dreams about becoming a Chemical Engineer. He just passed his big SLC exams and placed 2nd in the district. He is incredibly smart and speaks great English and is very interested in studying science.. I am praying for him to get into Sunshine Bible Academy( or similar)  for his 11th and 12th grades and for scholarships to allow him to progress as his family is very poor.
These are a few of the needs I observed most recently and covet your prayers for.
More program updates;
The orphanage in Kathmandu with 19 kids in it was going great when Diane and I visited. The kids loved the games we brought them and were implementing the baseball and mitt a gracious donor sent and within minutes of them receiving permission to play with it, all 19 were outside playing and we heard a "CRRACK" in the window! Fortunately the windows have exterior iron bars so we were not required to confiscate it!
The Brick making women made some fine jewelry to send back with me. They are doing reasonably well but 2 widows decided they just cannot make it in the big city so have returned to their hill villages to farm their fields. Unfortunately this may mean their kids will not be attending schools and instead helping mom in the fields and minding the goats- a 14 hour / day job!. 
The Bakery was going great up till my departure, though they are concerned that with all the foreigners gone, their business will plummet. I was able to remind them that God has built this business and HE will see to it that they are blessed if they just focus on Him. He will bring new clientele and keep them in HIS hand. I reminded them of the verse that "the Righteous will never go hungry!" In fact how often have they been instrumental in feeding the hungry because they were sensitive to real needs and able to share generously from their hearts and surplus. This couple are some of the most generous and loving people you could ever hope to meet! Pray for them as they serve others through their bakery. 
Well that is the update for now and I promise to keep you informed of any new developments.

Dawn Didi

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