Wednesday, November 7, 2012

As far west as one can go in Nepal


We are about as far west as one can go in the country of Nepal. We have seen several sunsets so we figure we are there... we really have arrived!!!! And we counted... we are 6 ranges deep into the Himalayas and did turn left on the second ridge there after... so by all indications we have truly arrived! It only took a week! And we have had some amazing adventures!

We rented a personal car to take us, as with their big holiday, (like Christmas for us) transportation was really undependable. This car took us 7 hours to Pokara where we met my "Chorie" (adopted daughter) and her husband and spent 2 nights with them. One morning we woke up at 5:30 am to get our car to take us up to the ridge in time for us to view the Fishtail and Annapurna range as the sun rose! Gorgeous!!!! But way too early for me. We spent the day canoeing around the lake and shopping and took both hosts out for Chinese food that night and were treated to free Nepali dancing in the street for the festival! The next am we got up even earlier! 0430 and began our decent down the mountain to the terrai (plains) and on, a total of 14 hours to Dhangadi!

Our driver was good but bent on returning to K-du the same day so he could be with his family for the last day of the holiday... so he was driving 30 + hours on no sleep!... but plenty of Asian style RED BULL!

We got up early the next AM too... this time to ride motorcycles into the wild of the plains ... 7 Km each way of it was over the bumpiest, rockiest dustiest road you could ever imagine! The goal... to visit 3 different Tharu tribal families and see how they live! Fascinating! It meant eating at all three houses ....some interesting cuisine including little fish with the eyeballs still looking at us! At one house the women wanted us to dress up in their outfits/dress and take pictures. Susan tried their clothes on and entertained the village with the process! Great sport!

The motorcycle ride back just about did us both in between the headaches we had contracted due to dehydration and the jarring of every bump and rut we were so sore we both needed naps and early bedtimes to recover!

And if that wasn't enough early mornings... the next we rose at dawn and were picked up by a van arranged by our host and whisked to the local bus park! Yes "Hurry up and Wait" is now the motto of the day! We headed 17 Km to Attarya where the van filled up. Susan and I took the front seat with the driver. And it was tight!

In the back ... 25 more stuffed themselves inside and another 6 up on top with a huge load of luggage (half of it ours!). Oh and then the driver and the conductor! We were so loaded!!!! Fortunately the driver took it slow... I think he had no choice! And we wound our way around and up and over the 6 ranges of mountains deep into the most remote parts of Nepal.

It is great to be here! We had to clean the apartment some to get settled. Our landlord graciously butchered 2 of his 9 rabbits in our honor and fed us the welcome feast! Yum! They own the bakery (prospering by all accounts) and his wife S…. brought us a big piece of pizza as an appetizer! Beats Fire and Ice Pizza and Pizza Hut's pizza hands down! Yummmm!

Couldn't sleep much though... the dogs 8 or more by the sounds of it barked and howled all night! Susan is ready to tazer them... or give them lethal injections! The hounds sleep all day and howl all night at the jackals that taunt them!

We started today with a few too many cinnamon rolls and chai tea! At lunch we had the soup of the day... Chili con carne and thick chunks of bread! They had hidden the coffee pot thinking no one likes that coffee but I made them get it out and made a fine pot of brewed coffee and Peter and I polished off a pot no problem... they had forgotten how to make it! Re education is needed on a few levels! We will also have to revise the prices... all way too low! They are fearful no one will buy the products and therefore won't come back.

Today we visited R… and D…., the two paraplegics, and challenged them to get their needles a clikkin'. They are eager to learn the details of their new house but I couldn't tell them much as we still have to confirm things with the widow who is donating the land for their facility.

Susan and I toured the hospital and she seemed aghast at some of the conditions... blow dryers for heating wee ones and ambu bags without O2. "Sterile" gets a whole new meaning!!!! We will be taking pictures to send later! Don't ever complain about your workload again!

So we will keep you posted as able (our internet is defunct... we are using it at the hospital guest house!) and continue to covet your prayers and we attempt to accomplish the mission we are here for!

Blessing and peace!
Till all have heard!

Dawn Didi and Susan Didi

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