Wednesday, March 20, 2013

March 2013 Bazaar!

Invitation to a Lovely Nepali Bazaar!!!!
On Sunday, 3/17/13 YOU ARE INVITED TO New Life Church that meets at Sedgwick JR High, 8995 SE Sedgwick Rd, Port Orchard, WA.
I will be sharing about the progress of the mission in Nepal and our up- coming trip to Nepal leaving Port Orchard on April 3rd and returning June 4th, 2013.
The mission involves 8 different projects from women’s ministries and radio broadcasts to a leprosy colony and a homeless soup kitchen. This particular trip will focus on a new building project for 2 poor paraplegic women who currently live in a rat infested dungeon with a leaky roof. Phase one of the building is a new home for them. The foundation, pillars and back retaining wall is in. We are ready to build the brick walls and roof it in. Then of course we need doors, windows, plumbing and electric. $10,000 is needed to complete this phase. You will be able to adopt a window, sink or faucet!
Phase 2 will be an educational center and library where we can do literacy and skill training for these and countless other impoverished women. An additional $20,000 will need to be raised for this.
The fun part is between the 2 services at 09:30 and 10:45, the lobby will be open for you to "Shop till you Drop" with amazing fun Nepali handicrafts, many handmade by these very women! It will be a shopping bonanza like no other! What an opportunity to stock up on all your Easter, Mother’s Day, Birthday and next Christmas gifts for a “Oh so worthy cause!” So please come check out an incredible Church experience and hear all about this noble venture!                  
Bring your checkbook or cash… sorry no credit cards except on our website.
You can help make a tremendous Kingdom difference!
Thanks so much!
Dawn Bove ( CEO of Dare to Care, Inc.)

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