Saturday, February 15, 2014

Snowy and cold but feeling better:)

Hi everyone!
Just wanted to give you a few updates on life from this side of the world!
The weather has been very nasty here. It has been super cold here the last 3 days with rain, hail, snow and sleet.  We are all bundled in multiple layers trying to keep warm!
We had snow here today. The ground was covered as church let out.The snow in the passes on the surrounding mountains sure makes the hills a pretty sight when the clouds lift! The kids made a small snowman with spoons for arms and coal for eyes and a lellow toy for a nose!
Last night the storm hit us with lightning and struck the transmitter out on Afno FM, the tower just above us...please pray for quick repair so the Christian programming can continue. 
Yesterday we were able to narrow down a contractor for the construction of the next level of the building. We were able to negotiate a good price for the labor and started ordering supplies today though delivery of them was obstructed by the inclement weather! We are still finalizing the contract with the guy so it is just as well.
We are also working with the local Ch-urch and the NGO they have formed- they are finalizing their constitution and proposals but it looks to be a good thing for us to place our interests under their registration otherwise we will have to create our own NGO here in Nepal.( a long arduous process full of beaurocratic quagmires with the existing Gov. ) Please pray for wisdom in this decision and clear direction in this regard.
Thanks to those of you who prayed for my health... it took  a whole week  but I am better, rehydrated and energetic again. Thank God for Tinidozole!
Thanks to those of you who prayed for my cell phone. I bought a new one complete with sim card in K-du 2 weeks ago and on my first week out here had it in my pants pocket. A baby peed all over me and I took them off and plopped them in a bucket forgetting that I had put water in that same bucket earlier... uh huh... 5 hours later I went around in circles looking for my phone! I found it all right- just where I had left it!! I immediately took the thing apart and dried it out but being sick, it was a whole week till I had the energy to walk to town a mile each way to see if it could be saved! Yesterday I took it to the NCell office and presented it to the clerk with the words "now don't laugh..." they were able to fix it and use my same battery and sim card and so there was no charge! PTL! There was considerable laughter amongst all the clerks in spite of my admonition!
About 10 days ago... Tuesday I think it was, I went with Megh Raj and met with the CDO to ask permission if we could go to the jail and bring the gifts we had, to the inmates. He approved ( turns out he was the assistant CDO... the antagonistic one, head CDO, was away in Dehli)  That same afternoon, 4 of the YWAM girls, Megh and I went trotting off to jail. Turns out the "jailer" was in Dhangadi with his very pregnant wife awaiting the birth of their child and the "assistant jailer" was reluctant to let us all the way into the inner court as they had had a recent escape and he did not want to be held responsible for anything going amiss. So we were let into the first passage but had to pass the socks and mittens one by one into the guard through a double set of iron bars and all the male inmates were lined up inside to receive them. We could see most of them and talk to them. They all remembered me and were joking with me. They were all very grateful for the warmth and thanked us for the gifts and remembering them. One of the Ywam girls, Rochelle, had a few minutes to explain why we were there and why we had brought these gifts from our church and that many people were praying for them and it was all because of the love of Jesus. He loved them inside those bars as much as He loves us on this this side of the bars. She did an eloquent job and Megh interpreted very accurately. So they heard the truth and we pray it will set them free... at least spiritually! Thanks to those of you who donated those socks and mittens! They have reached their destinations.
We are praying for another opportunity for Follow up and to take them 2 radios so they can listen to our Chr-ist-ian programming. again pray the transmitters can be repaired!
Turns out Pavitri that came with me to the jail 6-7 times last year has decided to take this prison ministry seriously and took some training and got herself a " get into jail free" card from Prison Fellowship Ministry. She can take me and whoever she wants right into the inner courtyard any time the jailer oks it and has built up a nice relationship witht he jailer. They are allowing PFM to create a small library inside the jail. PFM donated 11,000 rupees for the bookcases and she had them made up already and are ready to install! PFM will then donate all the books those shelves can hold! The inmates have asked for a few books they knew to ask for and those will be obtained as well and the remainder will be Ch-risti-an.... hummm Crazy huh!
So I am waiting to hear the jailer is back in town and we will follow up! (with a present for the new baby of course!)  
I am having guests for dinner tomorrow night... maybe 6. The Leaders and the staff of the Ywam team are to come for spaghetti and garlic bread. They are not sure if they have ever had this before... it will be a new experience for them and a pleasant break from dal/bhat for me!
The paraplegic girls are still cold as we all are here. It just feels impossible to get and stay warm in spite of layers of blankets and triple layers of socks!
 Digri is still very sick and feels she cannot knit or crochet anymore. She is very thin and feels she is slowly dying. The AB and treatment did little to help her feel better and we are trying another AB but she is resistant to so many from frequent and often continuous AB use. The young "green" Dr still has yet to come examine her! Please pray for her. She has been so close to death so many times but by the grace of God, keeps somehow hanging on!
Well I think that covers the picture for now.
I will keep you posted! Could you keep us all in your prayers?
Dawn Didi

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