Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Stairs are poured, roof setting up nicely

Hello from Nepal, here is the latest update from Dawn;
The roof is setting up nicely. The contractor is working on building the back pillars for the next story and will start on the back retaining wall in a couple days. He should finish that just in time to take down the Kaat ( bamboo posts) and work on the interior. The stairs were poured 2 days ago so things are progressing and I'm holding onto hope that if we have the funds in hand we can push this through to completion yet before I leave here on the 15th of June!
The jail ministry went well last week! We now have a total of 5 new be-liever-s there! 2 women including the 17 year old girl and 3 men. This week I sang more songs and just had fun with them... their faces lit up when we came! The 3 men were so excited to have fellowship with the 2 men we brought on our team and are hungry for the Word. We did find a small Hindi NT here to give the Indian beli-eve-r!
This week I have promised them all cookies! Alec and Sam from the Restless team want to go this week too, just to see what the inside of a jail is like here!
Yesterday we did a community outreach taking tracks to many nearby villages. I went to Mallum the one past the bus park and along the ridge and all the way down to the school. We hit 3 villages and then hiked up the back of that hill. definitely the steep way! Nearly killed me! They put me in the first truck when we hit the road at the top and sent me home! The rest of the 5 on my team took their time walking back and passing out tracks and talkking / sharing wityh anyone who would listen!
It has been blistering hot here this week... most unusual for Dadeldhura! Coupled with the water shortage it has been trying! Today we had 2 hours or rain and I actually had to find my sweater tonight! Sweet relief!
Well all for now!

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