Tuesday, April 16, 2013

The guide said RUN!!

Diane and I are currently at Bardia National Forest Preserve. Today we survived an hour of riding just behind the head of an elephant and being charged by a rhino! The guide said RUN we didn't know where to run ... all we saw was the heard of elephants just across the river but we obediently ran in any ole direction... turns out we had disturbed a rhino in the river right below us and it saw us and started coming after us!
We came home by a different route to skirt the possible route it went. 5 rhinos are reportedly living in that area. The guides refused to take us to the main watering hole where at least 3 can be seen most anytime. Their reason " you have to be able to run!" Boy did they size us up huh!
We have also survived flat tires on the wheel chair all the way through 4 airports, Kathmandu traffic and pollution,15 hours on the bus over the Gawdawful roads Nepal has to offer, a rat in the dining room tonight and I am just about over a bad cold/ sore throat and hot trots in the last 24 hours! 
Prem took all our luggage and the wheelchair on the direct bus with him and just learned he made it safely to Dadeldhura but they charged him 3000 rupees for the luggage! He was appallled!
Tomorrow we hope to make it to Dhangadi and buy the doors, windows, toilet, bricks and sinks and arrange for it all to get hauled up the last 5 hours of bad roads, 6 ranges deep into Dadeldhura where the building project is going on.
Thanks for your prayers!
Sunday is the Nepali New Year so we may not get up the hill till Monday!
It is bloomin' hot here in the plains!
Gotta send this before the power dies again!
Love Dawn and Diane

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