Saturday, December 22, 2007

A few days until Christmas

Just and update from Papua, Indonesia...

I'm enjoying my time here immensely! All but the heat ( it makes me wilt with the humidity) and the mosquitoes. Did you know there are 2 dangerous kinds here... daytime biters which cause Dengue Fever and Nighttime biters which cause several kinds of Malaria. My Sister Di is the Dr. for all the expats on this island and has had to treat a man with hemorrhagic dengue fever last week ( not that you can do much but rehydrate and pray ) ... he recovered! and Lizby and my new dentist got malaria. I was most pleased to discover the treatment that works the best for this is an herb I've been researching for the last 2 years called Artemisia Annua... most cases are resistant to all the drugs previously tried in this area! So far I don't think I have been bit... I attribute it to my daily dose of garlic... the 'skeeters don't even land and they evacuate!

I did have to hunt down a dentist... lost a very big filling 5 weeks ago in Nepal when it just fell out of my mouth! It turns out one of the SIL staff here is Dentist from Columbia, trained in the USA and serving with Wycliffe here... my parents are staying in a cottage on his property! My sister hooked me up with him and I'm thrilled he was able to repair the damage and do a composite filling for only $30.00!!! He says I'll need a crown when I get back to where I can find competent dental service. Too bad he cannot do it here... I love his prices! He also had a great sense of humor! Hard to find in a good Christian dentist!

A couple days ago we got to go shopping and found some lovely batiks and local artisan shops! You know I love to shop! I also spent some time recovering my sis's dining room chairs and am now making her some kitchen accessories and finishing the drapes she had started 10 years ago but never had time to finish. The sewing machine has been temperamental though so progress is slow.

Yesterday we went to a gorgeous beach about 45 minute drive away then a 15 minute catamaran ride to the island with this lovely beach and a little fresh water lagoon! A slice of heaven! I got my wish to dig my toes in the sand and read a book. The water was gloriously perfect and so was the weather.

Well all for now... more shopping tomorrow and a busy week ahead of Christmas parties to attend and potlucks to plan... ours is a curry potluck at which I'm to show my Nepal slide show on Friday.

Trust your holiday preparations are meaningful and fun and not at all stressful and that you have plenty of time to slow down and reflect on the Reason for the Season and His wonderful gifts to us!

I'm so grateful for all of you and your prayers!

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