Thursday, September 27, 2007

Cruising to Japan

It is so exciting to think I am almost to Nepal!!! I have come so far... and seen such gorgeous country!

We cruised up through Alaska with ports of call in Ketchican, Juneau, Skagway, and Whittier seeing massive glaciers and whales breaching along the way. Then we went to Kodiak, AK and followed by 5 days out to sea. Unfortunately it was 5 days in a storm and we had some rough waters and although my travel companion and I felt "puny" as she called it at times we both survived well and really never got sick! The fresh gingerroot( great herbal remedy for nausea) I purchased in Kodiak served us well!

We have since had 3 wonderful days in Muroran, Japan, then Vladavostok, Russia, and today in Pusan Korea! Each was spaced by another "sea day". The weather was perfect and we had awesome exploratory adventures and are once again at sea and due into Kagoshima, Japan by 6 AM tomorrow. Then it's on to Dalian and a day later Beijing China. So my cruise adventure is winding to a close and then some serious travel begins. But I'll catch you all up on that and include a couple pictures when we get to Beijing.

Suffice it to say it has been "quite the experience" and we have met so many awesome people on this ship!

I just spoke with the cruise director moment ago who reassured me he will schedule me to speak publically on our next "sea day" to those who wish to attend my lecture re: my humanitarian vision to help the destitute of Nepal with a hand up! I'm thrilled he will allow me this opportunity!

Well it is "sayonara" for now and I wish each of you smooth sailing in your daily lives!


Eryka said...

Yay mom! I'm glad to hear you are staying healthy and having a great time! Miss you!

Anonymous said...

Got home to nasty weather. No Indian Summer this year. Eager to hear how your trip has gone since Beijing. Elaine

Anonymous said...

Hi from Lynn who met you up in Skywalkers Lounge the last sea-day. We've been home from Beijing a week and still aren't totally back on TN time. Since this post was the day before your talk on board, I presume you are enroute to N. Will be checking back for more posts to your blog. God bless you.

Eryka said...

MOM! We need updates!