Wow your prayers are amazing! Look what God has done!!
The roads opened Sunday morning and it looks like we will be able to leave at 1pm this afternoon!.We are packed and ready. We didn’t want to be the first ones out of town because there are usually a few kinks and glitches because 15 days worth of traffic backed up needs to move through. Besides the first five busses that left yesterday were absolutely packed!
I’m feeling much better and walking normally on my foot though it still feels weak. I can sleep through the night without pain meds for my arm (although it still gets sore from overuse).(I'm still in an arm cast and sling.)
And we had power this morning when we woke up and we thought we had was a false alarm but we had high hopes! We had heard rumors Saturday that all of Kathmandu Valley would also be closed so we stocked up accordingly. It was a relief to wake up Sunday morning and realize it was not the case so we could go to English chu.rch and prais.e Go.d!
Please pr.ay about the following:
1. Journey mercies and safe travel
2. We have tickets for the front of the bus...may they actually be what we get!
3. Continued healing
4. Ministry site visitation (we should get to check on the well situation this week)
5. If God would see fit, Iwe would have internet access from Dadeldhura to stay in touch.
6. Go.d that He put Julia in my life when I so needed her... she has been my hostess for these 2 + and a personal nurse and encourager as well. She has also shared this computer with me graciously!
7. Praise Go.d that Dave and I can be together for the next 3 months of ministry, his visa was extended. We should be home on the same flight, June 1st.
8. Praise God I had my crown re-done this week and all it cost me was treating the dentist to lunch!(I took him, Julia and Dave to a lovely golf course). Anyone need dental work done?! Dave also got alot of needed dental work done this week... we tease him he is now ready for GQ! His was also free! God is good and blessed us with a young entrepreneur from our remote village out west who just happens to own a dental hospital in K-du. He wants us to do dental camps for the poor in rural areas with him and agrees to seek a visa for me with his connections... sounds good but Pra.ay for HIS will in all this!
You guys can’t imagine how much you mean to me, your prayers have encouraged have really boosted our morale.
I love you all!